On behalf of the Parkhill Junior High Athletic Booster Club (PABC) I would like to welcome you to the 2025-2026 school year! I am excited for this role and look forward to this year as President of Parkhill Athletics.
As a business owner, a CFP financial planner practitioner for over 20 years and an avid community volunteer, my goal is to utilize the skills of my career with the passion for philanthropic endeavors to support the coaches and students as Parkhill Booster President. My 7th and 8th grade boys are at Parkhill this year and I am excited and ready to support them and every student athlete.
The Parkhill Athletic Booster Club is a volunteer organization that promotes and supports your student’s academic and athletic education. The supplemental financial support PABC receives through membership dues, spirit wear sales, and special fundraising activities provide opportunities for booster club to purchase additional resources and equipment for Parkhill students and staff. PABC’s mission is to support administrators and teachers as they coach and guide our student athletes to high standards of sportsmanship, ethics, and integrity.
Parkhill Booster Club membership drive is open to all families, staff, and the community. We would like to thank those that have supported us in the past and ask you to please do so in the future. Your membership is critical to the continued success of the program. With your membership you will receive the Parkhill yard sign as a thank you for your support.
We would also encourage you to join Parkhill PTA and the link is included on the PABC website. Parkhill PTA supports school wide programs (Howdy Dance, Courtyard Café, teacher appreciation, and parent educational programs). They also disseminate the Parkhill eRaider Newsletter which communicates all Parkhill activities.
Thank you for helping us enrich our physical education and athletic programs. I look forward to seeing everyone at games and events throughout the year!
Go Raiders!
Susan Marvin
Parkhill Athletic Booster Club President