Bylaws of
Parkhill Junior High School
A Texas Non-Profit
ARTICLE I – Name and Location
Section 1
The name of this organization shall be Parkhill Athletic Booster Club (PABC), (Hereinafter referred to as the Parkhill Booster Club or PABC).
ARTICLE ll – Purpose and Mission
Section 1 – PURPOSE
The purpose for which PABC is organized is to operate exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. Notwithstanding any other provisions of these Bylaws, the PABC shall carry out activities permitted by an organization exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law or by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.
The mission of PABC is to provide support and develop interest for all programs and activities that promote athletic excellence, sportsmanship, high scholastic achievement, school spirit, and the opportunity for higher education for students involved in athletics in the Parkhill Junior High School attendance area of the Richardson Independent School District (”RISD”) within the state of Texas. This attendance area includes all feeder schools as determined by RISD. For the purposes of these bylaws and operation in general, the phrase “athletic programs” or “organization” includes all member sports teams, clubs, or groups that participate within the PABC, whether or not the participants of said member organizations are involved in strictly athletic endeavors.
To accomplish the mission of PABC the activities of PABC shall include the following:
- To support, promote, and maintain a high standard of integrity and good sportsmanship in all athletic activities at Parkhill Junior High School.
- To foster and promote good will and fraternal spirit among PABC members.
- To promote and encourage more young men and women to get involved in athletics, either as an active participant or as a volunteer assistant.
- Promotion and support of the continuing growth and development of students participating in athletic programs at Parkhill Junior High.
- Promoting a superior athletic program with a focus on the student athlete.
- Promote student and community interest and attendance at all Parkhill Junior High School events and competitions.
- Conceiving, creating, and developing ideas, projects, and other assistance to further the athletic program and improve athletic facilities in the Richardson school district.
- To be organized and operated exclusively for the charitable and educational purposes related to the RISD student athletes and PABC athletic program.
- Help maintain and improve communications and cooperation between and among parents, coaches, teachers, students, student athletes, Athletic Coordinator, administrators, and the School Board for the advancement and improvement of the interscholastic athletic programs in RISD.
- Raising funds to be used in support of PABC students, PABC athletic programs, PABC facilities and physical education.
- Cooperation with other organizations that are concerned with student welfare.
Section 1
Parents of past or present PABC students, PABC alumni, and past or present PABC faculty or staff members who desire membership shall be eligible for regular membership (“member”) in the association.
Section 2
Yearly membership dues are required for regular members to remain active in PABC. Dues shall be payable at the beginning of each school year and will be collected by the Membership Chair and committee. Dues may be increased or decreased through recommendation of the Executive Board. Membership year begins July 1 and ends June 30.
Section 3
Regular members who have paid their dues and are otherwise in good standing shall be considered “active members”. Regular members in good standing also may be elected to the Executive Board.
Section 4
The Parkhill Junior High Principal, and the Athletic Coordinators are automatically nonvoting members of the association.
Section 1
The PABC Executive Board shall consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Treasurer Elect, Secretary, Social Media committee chair, Website/newsletter chair, Membership chair, Spirit Wear Chair, Picnic Chair, Fundraising Chair, Awards Chair, Cheer Chair, and Two Team Representative Chairs. (15)
Section 2
The duties of the executive board shall be:
- To transact necessary business in the intervals between association meetings and such other business as may be referred to it by the association.
- To annually prepare and submit to the membership for approval standing rules/bylaws for the association.
- To create standing committees.
- To approve the plans of work of the standing committees
- To present a report at the regular meetings of the association.
- To prepare and submit to the membership for approval a budget for the fiscal year.
- To approve any bills within the limits of the budget.
Section 3
The majority of the voting members of Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.
Section 4
Meetings of the Executive Board shall be held at least once monthly throughout the school year. The Executive Board may hold additional meetings, as needed. Executive Board meetings may be held in person, by teleconference, or by video conference or any manner in which members participate in real time and are, minimally, able to hear each other speak. Minutes will then be shared on a shared drive for general membership to access if inclined.
Section 5
Any officer may be removed by the Executive Board whenever, in a majority of the Executive Board’s judgment, the best interests of PABC would be served thereby.
Section 6
A vacancy occurring in any office due to death, resignation, removal, disqualification, or other cause, may be filled by the Executive Board for the unexpired portion of the term of office left vacant.
Section 1 - Officers
PABC President, Vice President, Treasurer, Treasurer Elect, Secretary, Media Guide committee chair, Website/newsletter chair, and Membership committee chair. There shall be such additional officers, committee chairpersons, and other officials as the Executive Board shall appoint from time to time.
Section 2 - Election of Officers
Election of officers shall take place at the May meeting of each year or as near there to as is reasonable (the election nominating meeting). The slate of officers should be presented to the executive board by the nominating committee. The proposed slate shall be nominated by a nominating committee, hereafter defined, and the committee may nominate more than one proposed officer for each position. Then elected by majority vote by the executive committee.
Section 3 – Nominating Committee
The President, with concurrence of the Executive Board, shall appoint a nominating committee of at least three (3) members at least thirty (30) days before the May Business Meeting. The nominating committee shall present a slate of nominees (who have agreed to serve) for positions of officers.
Section 4 – Term
A person can serve more than 1 year in a position with approval of the Executive Board and if there are no other candidates for that position from the nominating committee and no more than 3 years consecutively. The normal term begins when the annual election of officers is completed during the May Annual meeting. Executive Board “elect” member years do not count as a year serving in a board position as they are in training and do not have a vote on the Executive Board unless otherwise specified as in case of treasurer elect.
Section 5 – Eligibility
Only regular members in good standing shall hold office or vote in elections. Only members in good standing may be nominated for Executive Board positions. Sustaining members are not eligible to hold office or vote in elections. No current school coach, school administrator, or RISD administrator may be elected to the Executive Board.
Section 6 – Voting
The President, with the consent of the nominating committee, may forego the secret balloting and call for election by voice vote if no Executive Board positions have multiple nominees.
Section 7 – Installation
Installation of officers shall be at the May meeting or final meeting of the school year, at which time the new officers shall transition into their duties in all matters affecting the next subsequent school year.
Section 8 –Transitional Meeting
The transitional meeting of PABC shall be the last meeting of the school year which, ordinarily, will be held in May or thereafter (before June 30). At the annual meeting, all annual reports shall be received and the new officers, retiring board, and the newly elected officers and new board, if organized, shall hold a joint session. At the joint session, the retiring officers and board all transfer all books and papers in their possession and belonging to the PABC to the new administration, and otherwise advise the new board.
Section 1 – President
It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all regular and special meeting and all Board meetings. The president will set the Executive Board Meetings as required and shall communicate the dates, times, location and procedures of these meetings. The President can get communication assistance from the Secretary or the Website chairs. The President shall perform the duties of the office; shall appoint all committees and committee chairpersons and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the nominating committee. The President shall also sign all contracts subject however, to the approval or ratification of the Executive Board. In addition, the president can sign checks and disbursements if the president is the selected secondary signing member on the PABC financial accounts, subject however to the approval of the Executive Board. The President shall be able to disburse funds up to $1000 (outside of Chair budget expenses) any amount over will need majority approval from the Executive Board. The President shall work with the Treasurer and the Vice President to annually renew the PABC’s tax exempt status and provide those form to the membership. The President shall have regular meetings with the school principal and Athletic Coordinator as determined by the group. The President shall manage the budget process in cooperation with the Treasurer.
Section 2 – Vice President
The Vice President shall act as President in the event of his absence, death, or incapacity and shall assume his duties for the balance of his term unless replaced by the Board. The Vice President's line of succession shall be as designated at the time of their elections. The Vice President will direct the General Meetings using the Robert’s Rules of Order when appropriate. The Vice President shall serve as the head of the Disbursements Committees (Article X). The Vice President may be the secondary signing member on the PABC financial accounts and may sign checks. This signing privilege is subject however to approval from the Executive Board. The Vice President shall work with other board members to facilitate fundraising activities including and not limited to the membership fundraiser and the media guide ad sales fundraiser. The Vice President shall work with the Treasurer and the President to annually renew the PABC’s tax exempt status and provide those form to the membership. The Vice President may participate in other activities and on committees as necessary.
Section 3 – Secretary
It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a record of all regular and special meetings, and all Board meetings. The secretary shall keep both digital files and paper file copies of the general, executive board, disbursement and special committee meeting notes. The secretary shall also post, through the Website chair, the meeting notes on the PABC website. The Secretary will work with the Website/Newsletter Chair to create and disseminate a regular digital Newsletter. Secretary may have other duties.
Section 4 – Treasurer and Treasurer Elect
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all monies due to the PABC and deposit same in a place approved by PABC. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget that reflects projected income and known, regular expenditures by the PABC. The Treasurer shall disburse the funds of the PABC only for purposes approved by the PABC. The Treasurer shall present a statement of account at all regular meetings and at other times when requested to do so by the President. A committee approved by the President may audit the accounts of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall work with the President and the Vice President to annually renew the PABC’S tax exempt status and provide those form to the membership. The treasurer and other designees as approved by the Executive Board shall be the signing members on the PABC financial accounts Both the treasurer and the treasurer elect are board positions, and each has a vote on the board.
Section 5 – Social Media Chair
The Media Guide Committee chair shall be responsible for promoting and communicating PABC through social media accounts. The Media committee chair will work with the rest of the Executive Board to set program guidance. The Media Guide committee chair is responsible for recruiting a committee of no fewer than two members to support the year-round program effort, with the goal of grooming at least one committee member as his or her eventual replacement as Media Guide committee chair.
Section 6 – Website/Newsletter Chair
The Website/Newsletter chair shall update and maintain the PABC website. They must keep current content present on the site, including (but not limited to) forms, athletic calendars, and team information. Additionally, the Website/Newsletter chair shall create and deliver an email newsletter that is delivered to the membership no less than once per quarter. The Website/Newsletter chair may form a committee to support the website and develop the newsletter. The Secretary also assists the Website/Newsletter chair with the creation of a newsletter and dissemination of information to the membership.
Section 7 – Membership Chair
The Membership chair shall oversee all membership activities approved by the Executive Board and membership. The Membership chair shall coordinate the annual membership drive including revising methods of joining and tabulating members. The Membership Chair shall assess the need to revise membership dues upon the review of the Executive Board.
Section 8-Fundraising Chair Manages and coordinates funds that support Booster club operating budget and a committee of 2
Section 8 –Spirit Wear Chair
Responsible for design of spirit wear for entire school and each sports program with a committee of 3.
Section 9- Picnic Chair
Plan, Manage, and run the Back-to-school Picnic- includes summer fundraising and planning efforts with a committee.
Section 10- Awards Chair
Days are set with Principal at the beginning of the year so they are put on the school calendar. Keep rosters throughout the year. Plans both programs for 7th and 8th graders. Has committed of as many deemed necessary.
Section 11- Team Reps
Partner with coaches to provide support and communication for all sports and athletes- 2 Team reps- 7th and 8th grade vs Male and Female sports teams: Deemed necessary with the overview of demographics. Team Rep will have Two Executive votes.
Section 12 Cheer Reps
Partner with coaches to provide support and communication for all cheer programs and events- Cheer Chair will have an Executive vote.
Section 1
Regular meetings shall be held monthly during the school year in the evening, unless otherwise provided by the association or by the executive board.
Section 2
The executive board may call special meetings with five days notice.
Section 3
The transitional/annual meeting shall be in May, or at the last regularly scheduled spring general membership meeting of the school year.
Section 4
Quorums For Executive board meetings, a quorum shall consist of majority, eight or more members must be in “attendance.”
Section 1
The executive board may create such standing committees as it may deem necessary to promote the objects and carry on the work of the association. The term of each chairman shall be one year and until the election and qualification of his successor.
Section 2
The chairman of each standing committee shall present a plan of work to the executive board for approval. No committee work shall be undertaken without the consent of the executive board.
Section 3
The power to form special committees and appoint their members rests with the association and the Executive Board.
Section 4
The President and Vice President shall be ex-officio members of all committees except the nominating committee.
Article X – Funds Disbursement
Part 1 – Individual Sports Disbursements
Section 1
- All team/organization funds shall be deposited in and maintained in the general bank/checking account respective individual team account of the Athletic Booster Club. Coaches, faculty sponsors, or parent representatives may make deposits using a standard PABC Deposit Form and delivering them to the Treasurer or President or by dropping them off in the booster club safe.
- Check requests must clearly state the expense purpose. An invoice or statement for
expenses must be submitted with the check request or on completion of the purchase with a preapproved check. - The Treasurer should make every attempt to disburse these requests within two weeks of submission. If the Treasurer is unavailable, the signing members which were appointed by the board can make disbursements following up with proper paperwork to the Treasurer.
- The Executive Board shall have the authority to determine what constitutes a valid sport
related expenditure. - Sales Tax cannot be reimbursed.
- The Treasurer shall set up the procedure for payment requests for individual sports
Part 2 – General Fund Disbursements
Section 1
Small Operational Disbursements: Expenditures of more than $1000 supporting all athletics in general, individual programs, Booster Club functions, or operations outside of the budget guidelines require a quorum vote of the Executive Board. An attempt will be made to keep no less than $3,000 in the General Fund for these contingencies.
Section 2
Adverse Disbursements: From time to time it may be necessary for the Executive Board to act on a disbursement without the action of the Disbursement Committee under adverse conditions, primarily because of timing issues with scheduling Disbursement Committee meetings or unplanned and unexpected expenses. Such interim adverse disbursements shall be made as approved by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
Membership in this association shall not title or vest any of the members with any property rights or rights having monetary value of any kind whatsoever, including, but not limited to, property rights or monetary rights in the school or in the association.
These by-laws shall be approved by a meeting of the Executive Board, by a majority vote of those members eligible to vote and actually casting their vote at said meeting. The by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regularly called meetings. Such amendments may only be recommended by the Executive Board, and shall be presented in writing and read at the regular meeting prior to the time of voting.
The booster club shall operate in full support of the school principal, Athletic Coordinator and coaches. At no time should the booster club make recommendations or become directly involved in the day-to-day operation of the school athletic program. The booster club serves only to support the school athletic program and has no way or direction of policy established by the school principal or Athletic Coordinator.
Section 1
The PABC will follow the rules in this set of bylaws, so long as they are not in conflict with RISD and Texas University Interscholastic League (“UIL”) rules governing the activities of high school athletic booster clubs in Texas.
Section 2
PABC shall keep correct and complete books and records of account and shall keep minutes of the proceedings of its Executive Board and any committees having any authority of the Executive Board. General Meeting records shall be posted on the PABC website.
Section 3
On receipt of a working draft of the budget for the upcoming fiscal year from the Treasurer each April, the Board shall review the draft and make whatever corrections the Board deems necessary. A final budget shall be adopted by the Board no later than August of the new fiscal year, which shall be presented for approval by the general membership at the first fall meeting of members.
Section 4
The PABC fiscal year shall begin July 1 and end June 30.
Section 5
Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern the corporation at all meetings, in all other cases in which they are applicable, and in all cases where they are not in conflict with these Bylaws.
ARTICLE XV – Policies
Section 1
PABC shall be noncommercial, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan.
Section 2
PABC and its directors, officers, and agents, acting in such capacity, shall not participate or intervene in (or publish or distribute statements relating to) any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for political office.
Section 3
PABC shall work diligently to maintain its tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Code.
Section 4
PABC shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on (i) by an organization exempt from Federal income under Section 501(c)(3) of the Code, or (ii) by an organization contribution to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the Code.
Section 5
No part of the net earnings of PABC shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, directors, trustees, officers or other private persons. PABC shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of its purpose and mission set forth in Article 2 of these Bylaws.
Section 6
Parkhill Athletic Booster Club may only be dissolved by a two-thirds majority of the members in
attendance at a special meeting called specifically to consider and vote on dissolution, after all members have been given fair and reasonable advance notice of such special meeting. In the event of a vote in favor of dissolution, any funds remaining after all obligations have been satisfied shall be donated to a Student Body account, provided that at the time of dissolution it is exempt under section 501(c)(3); or for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Section 7
The Executive Board may accept on behalf of the corporation any contribution, gift, or bequest.
Updated by vote: August 19, 2024